Monday 14 May 2012

Rendering Fashion Figures

Forget 'Ants in my Pants!'
I have ants on my skirt.

Three Fashion Illustrations




Monday 7 May 2012

Rendering and Clean Up

The teacher makes this look so easy.
It's not.
I have so many problems.
Such as, making the outline full black.
But here's my take on this.

Hoping to do a better job next time.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Take One Step At a Time

There's no need to rush.

I've created 5 ants for my final textile design,
each having their own certain flower and a certain repeat design.

Creating the Ant
The outline of the ant was created simply by using the brush tool on photoshop.
Using the brush tool, I drew the outline of the ant.
Background layers had to be deleted to get the outline by itself.
After I defined the pattern and filled the layer below the ant's outline,
I merged the two layers and selected the magic wand tool to erase the
unwanted pattern outside of the ant's outline.

Creating Repeats Inside the Ants
For two of my ants, I created a simple half drop repeat which was taught in class.

One of my ants was created with a full drop repeat, also taught in class.

Another ant was created with a tossed repeat, again, taught in class.
Tossed Repeat 

I researched on how to do a brick repeat for on of my ants.
All I did was simply duplicate layers and drag them into place where they automatically
fall as a brick layer.
Then defining the pattern.

Creating the Final Textile
For the final textile,
I did a toss repeat of the ants forming the pattern.
I then created a symmetrical repeat with the pattern for the final textile
by duplicating the layers and flipping them horizontally and vertically.
My created pattern with all 5 ants

Saturday 28 April 2012

Drafted Ideas

My concept is based on bringing out a voice
 to these tiny creatures,
reveal how they are really beautiful insects
and not just pests that leave you itchy sores.
So to bring out the beauty in these insects,
I will be borrowing the beauty of flowers
and giving them to the ants
by creating different repeats inside the body of the ants.
Further emphasising their beauty
as hardworking and loyal citizens
of the ant community where they
continually work non-stop to serve for their

I've experimented with a few mediums
paint, pencil and photoshop to see
which can communicate the concept most effectively
and most importantly,
be most appealing.

Here is what I came up with:




It can be seen clearly why I choose to go with the photoshopped ant.
It's much more neater.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Blooming Heaven

During the start of this break,
I have been collecting images of certain flowers
that I will use in my textile design.
They are photographed from my florist surroundings and
also from my street

Duo Coloured Gerbera - Pink and White
Macro Image

Full bloomed dark pink rose
Macro Image

Attempt of a Micro Image?

Bloomed Pink Rose
Macro Image

Micro Image

Macro Image

Micro Image

Macro Image

The Ants Go Marching One By One

Horah Horah...
You get my drift 

Macro image of an ant

Zoomed in macro image of an ant

I honestly tried to take a micro imaged of an ant,
 took hundreds of photos, only to zoom up close
with great blur.

So because it is really hard to get a micro image of an ant,
even with canon 600D.
I had to do the most dreaded thing anyone could do.
Visit google images, argh.

So here's a micro image of an ant - it is not my own

This is taken by a photographer named
Yasser, 2009
Viewed: 25th April 2012

Sunday 22 April 2012

Finding the Concept

Wow, inspirations from nature.
Nature is limitless - there's so much to nature that we don't even notice.
When I hear nature, I distinctively think of flowers and trees.
I forget that there are many more elements to nature,
the little things we never consciously notice.
Therefore my concept of this assessment task will be
to bring forward, a voice for tiny creatures that
never get any close attention.
Creatures with a hard working attitude,

Also, because my mother is a florist,
I'm surrounded by flowers.
Therefore as another inspiration,
I will be incorporating flowers into my ants.
In my final textile design,
I hope to bring out a voice for these loyal creatures.
Reveal through the use of floral
that they aren't just pests that leave us itchy sores.
They are beautiful insects that have devotion to their
masters and work long and hard days
to bring home food.

Due to the wet weather all week, I cannot find any ants.
Hopefully, I can find them soon.
OR else it'll be the dreaded google images option

Monday 9 April 2012

Repeats System

My Created Repeats

Stripe Repeat

The stripe repeat is created simply by using a rectangular marquee tool.
Each rectangle is filled with the paint bucket tool.
It was then repeated by cutting and dragging into place.

Symmetrical Repeat

I created my brick repeat by flipping a certain brush design horizontally and vertically.
(After copying the first brush design layer)
Layers were then merged together, copied and repeated again by dragging.
Through the design created, a certain section is chosen with the marquee tool.
I then selected the "Define Pattern" option under the "Edit" tab.
The pattern is then filled onto a new file.

Other Examples of Repeats

Monday 2 April 2012


This is my take on the watercolour effect.
Problems I've faced was in the end, problems with the text. 
I didn't understand how I could make a colour gradient with 4 colours.

Monday 19 March 2012

Photo Montage

Before the use of filters

After the use of filters 

Monday 12 March 2012


How To Scan

To begin scanning, make sure your computer is connected to your scanner. 
Lift the scanner's lid and place any objects you wish to scan onto the copy screen, close the lid gently to avoid moving the object out of desired position. 
On your computer or scanner, select the resolution in which you wish to scan. The higher the dpi (dots per inch) count, the sharper and more detailed the image.
Save the image onto your computer.

Best Suited Resolutions for each Purpose

The best resolutions for web would be between 72-96 dpi, simply because it maintains a small enough file (image) to be transferred quickly and easily through emails. It would also allow web pages to load much quicker to avoid crashing browsers.

A dpi between 150-200 is best suited for A4 prints, any dpi lower than that will result in pixelated images due to being stretched into an A4 size.

A 300 dpi is best suited for fashion presentation through glossy magazines and posters. This resolution gives the images brilliant quality to make the presentations attractive to its intended audience.

Monday 5 March 2012

Three Fashion Blogs

As you might have guessed,
I am new to "blogger", being more of a "tumblr" person.
I don't know many, or better yet,
 no fashion blogs at all.
But I've been searching and here are my 3 favourites.

Fashion Distraction is a blog operated by Marcella.
Her style is daring and unique.
There is also a feel of ambiguity in the way she dresses through
how she hides her eyes with her signature frames.
This really intrigues me because in a sense,
the frames work as a way to allow her followers to visualise
their own perceptions towards style within the fashion world.

The fashion style in this blog takes us back to
summer days, where birds chirp 
and bees hum.
Where summer breezes influences the motion of your skirt.
I like this fashion blog because as you view it,
it gives you a feel of tranquility. 
And a feel of absolute bliss.
It's not so much "what's hot" or
"what's trending"
Therefore, also, it's different to other blogs.

Ashley - Ring My Bell
Omg, I've been watching revenge on channel 7
and I'm totally obsessed with that show
Josh Bowman <3
Okay, back on task.
This blog is owned by an actress on revenge.
Ashley Madekwe.
She's a gorgeous actress and better yet,
has great taste in fashion.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Who's that girl?

Heeey there,
I'm Mimi and welcome to my fashion communication
Where all work in this subject gets documented.
Great Ocean Road, Melbourne Trip, 2012