Sunday 22 April 2012

Finding the Concept

Wow, inspirations from nature.
Nature is limitless - there's so much to nature that we don't even notice.
When I hear nature, I distinctively think of flowers and trees.
I forget that there are many more elements to nature,
the little things we never consciously notice.
Therefore my concept of this assessment task will be
to bring forward, a voice for tiny creatures that
never get any close attention.
Creatures with a hard working attitude,

Also, because my mother is a florist,
I'm surrounded by flowers.
Therefore as another inspiration,
I will be incorporating flowers into my ants.
In my final textile design,
I hope to bring out a voice for these loyal creatures.
Reveal through the use of floral
that they aren't just pests that leave us itchy sores.
They are beautiful insects that have devotion to their
masters and work long and hard days
to bring home food.

Due to the wet weather all week, I cannot find any ants.
Hopefully, I can find them soon.
OR else it'll be the dreaded google images option

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