Sunday 29 April 2012

Take One Step At a Time

There's no need to rush.

I've created 5 ants for my final textile design,
each having their own certain flower and a certain repeat design.

Creating the Ant
The outline of the ant was created simply by using the brush tool on photoshop.
Using the brush tool, I drew the outline of the ant.
Background layers had to be deleted to get the outline by itself.
After I defined the pattern and filled the layer below the ant's outline,
I merged the two layers and selected the magic wand tool to erase the
unwanted pattern outside of the ant's outline.

Creating Repeats Inside the Ants
For two of my ants, I created a simple half drop repeat which was taught in class.

One of my ants was created with a full drop repeat, also taught in class.

Another ant was created with a tossed repeat, again, taught in class.
Tossed Repeat 

I researched on how to do a brick repeat for on of my ants.
All I did was simply duplicate layers and drag them into place where they automatically
fall as a brick layer.
Then defining the pattern.

Creating the Final Textile
For the final textile,
I did a toss repeat of the ants forming the pattern.
I then created a symmetrical repeat with the pattern for the final textile
by duplicating the layers and flipping them horizontally and vertically.
My created pattern with all 5 ants

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